Kebab Lamp Series
Committee is husband and wife Harry Richardson and Clare Page, who met whilst studying fine art. Their interest in ‘humourous and beautiful projects’ has led to commercial products as varied as lighting, rugs, ornaments, furniture, textiles and wallpaper, whilst their London based studio also maintains an art practice producing self-initiated and commissioned works born of academic interest.

Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Limited Edition

Each individually commissioned Kebab Lamp is assembled from an eclectic mix of found objects and keepsakes, a careful juxtaposition of both common and high-brow items. The process of placing ancient pots, birdcages, plumbing parts and figurines together to form a skewered mix of texture and form is an art that takes the duo weeks to put together.
In all of their work Committee’s main aim is to embed a cerebral investigation into items that nevertheless remain simply dedicated to beauty, function and a sense of poetry of their own.